Good Deeds Performed in Makkah from the comfort of your home!

Sadaqah On Behalf of Deceased In Makkah

Udhiya/Qurbani For 
Eid In Makkah

Eid Qurbani and Udhiyya 

The word udhiyah means an animal of the ‘an’aam class (i.e., camel, cow, sheep or goat) that is slaughtered during the days of Eid al-Adha because of the Eid and as an act of worship, intending to draw closer to Allaah thereby. Your sacrifice will be carried out in Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

Sadaqah on behalf of deceased

This is an option to slaughter a goat with the intention of feeding the poor as a Sadaqah for your deceased family. It does not have to be for a deceased person. It can be done for the living as well. We offer this service since many Muslims wish to perform good deeds in Makkah (where the reward is multiplied many folds). The Prophet salla allahu alahi wa sallam performed the slaughter of 100 camels on the day of Eid. 
Pictures of The Farm in Makkah
Who Are We? is a website that provides the service of completing your Hajj and Eid Sacrifices. We work with students of knowledge and slaughterhouses located in Makkah. We sacrifice goats which are 20-22 kg and are upon the conditions stipulated by the scholars for Hady, Udhiyaa, and Damm. All animals are slaughtered in Makkah and all the meat is given into Sadaqah. 
It takes a few minutes to complete your sacrfice
We accept most credit cards.
Make your sacrifice in a secure and trustworthy way. 
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